Saturday, July 24, 2010

Five myths about unemployment VS 5 Things Republicans Can Learn From the Unemployment Benefits Bill

spin your own spin on this...

Because THIS issue is the most important to U.S. and not incidentally to the fall elections..., these articles are worth the time to read.

No chart n graphs..., only very good information, and opinions.

Oh, and we also do think that the myths are really myths.

Five myths about unemployment
1. Unemployment benefits make people less likely to find jobs.
2. Unemployment insurance doesn't contribute to economic recovery.
3. We can't afford to do this right now.
4. The private sector can take care of unemployment on its own.
5. The unemployment rate gives us a good sense of how many people are affected by the downturn.
5 Things Republicans Can Learn From the Unemployment Benefits Bill
Inside GOP's strategy on unemployment
The public view of unemployment benefits
Broad support for extending jobless benefits
Q. Because of the economic downturn, Congress has extended the period in which people can receive unemployment benefits, and is considering doing so again. Supporters say this will help those who can't find work. Opponents say this adds too much to the federal budget deficit. Do you think Congress should or should not approve another extension of unemployment benefits?
Should   Should not    No opinion
All                62         36            2
College grads      55         43            3
Non grad           65         33            2
Democrats          80         19            1
Republicans        43         54            3
Independents       59         38            3
Lib Dems           79         20            1
Mod/cons Dems      80         19            1
Lib/mod Reps       57         41            2
Cons Reps          37         60            4
-$50K              69         29            2
$50K+              53         45            2
Black/Hispanic     82         17            1
Whites             56         41            3


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